Tuesday, December 12, 2006

These days...

Well I haven't written in a while mostly because I have been really busy, I had a guest at my house for a while, and been working both of my jobs, not to mention consulting and trying to put out the fires in my every day life. Recently, my life really has gotten pretty bad, and even though I am trying really hard, and doing all I can, it seemed for a while that I may still sink, as if success might never have really been an option for me, just an illusion there to toy with me and torment me. Even though that maybe true I still do the best I can everyday, and hope for the best thought I try to prepare for the worst.

I have great friends though and parents, and I am really touched to find out time and time again that there are people that notice how hard you try and that are there for you when you really need them.

For some reason I have been a emotional wreck for a little while here, I am not sure if its because I don't accept help easily, or that I wonder if I deserve it, or how I can pay the person back, but I still hold to to one of my believes, I always have to strive to do my best, and sometimes that means great sacrifice, but in the end when I don't have regrets, I thank myself.

Last of all I want to mention a few things that have touched me recently, my parents seeing how hard I am trying have helped me out for the holidays, giving me some stuff that will help me keep my head above water, another friend of mine constantly reminds me how hard I am working, and it's nice to see that some one see's it, and the small things that my girlfriend does every day.

Enough about me, I want to also remember some other people, and things in my life that help me. Eva Cassidy with the voice of an angel, and the most touching renditions of songs I have ever heard, helps me remember that life is but a short flash in the greater fireworks of the universe, and that you have little time to enjoy the spark of life. There are other things that help me through the days, but I will talk about them another time, when I am not on such a long rant. and to leave you with one of my favorite quotes..

"Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream."

-Edgar Allan Poe, Dream Within A Dream, A

Click Here to Learn More About Eva Cassidy

Friday, November 3, 2006

My new deep fryer, and other news.

Well I know it sounds funny but one of my simple pleasures recently was a deep fryer that I just got. I love it, so simple, I pre heat it, it tells me when its ready, then I set the timer lower the food in and vuah la (yes I took liberties with the spelling of that.. ) it dings when the food is ready mm mm corn dogs, taquitos and fries :) a wholly enjoyable meal.

Other cool things that have happened recently I got a raise @ both of my jobs, and my g/f is much closer to getting hired. So I am extremely excited for these upcoming days.

Last of all on the technology front I have gotten Rise of the Triads to work on the GP2X and a Super Nintendo Emulator, (my g/f's been playing donkey kong nonstop lol) while with some games the emulator needs to be optimized with most games, it runs full speed.

A little more technology based news, I am beta testing a new game now more on that later, but the big news, I successfully installed Ubuntu Edgy Linux. This Linux distribution, has to be the easiest of all the ones I installed. When I say easiest, I mean it installed without a hitch giving me both advanced and basic options, and then it ran with out issues, unlike a couple other Linux that I have messed with that installed OK but were a real pain to use because they didn't run right, (partly because it wasn't user friendly enough) but mostly because it didn't have a very good support base of people that were willing to help a newbie out. Over all I give Ubuntu a 9.5 there is room for improvement, however its a solid distro suitable for both techies/geeks and Beginners. I also installed some of the eye candy Nvidia beta drivers, and xgl , and it is absolutely breathtaking, and relatively smooth. Even though its still under development, it seems to be light years ahead of vista's visual styles.

Well hope you all have a good night... Ciao

Friday, October 20, 2006

Sooo excited

I got my GP2X on the 17Th it was so cool, a good friend of mine in Australia send it to me... for my birthday, and after a little I was up and messing with it, I converted the plug to a US plug by copping off the end and wiring a us end into it, I know that is fine because the adapter doesn't show a preference between negative and positive on the AC input. Anyways, I got it up and running already put a clearer skin on it and changed front ends to a more configurable one, (names and links to be added in a future blog.) Anyways, already played a bit of quake, super tux, and a bunch of other games on it, I also took a few of my favorite clips off YouTube and Google video and thew them on there I will make a tutorial on how to do that sometime soon probably post it on YouTube lol anyways. Hope you are all enjoying yourselves, as for me going to play a little more with Linux, installing Ubuntu on two computers this week, and trying to enjoy myself. Scraping by money wise, if you have any suggestions... feel free to message me .... Ciao

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My first Official blog on here

Well I have had an online diary for a while, and have neglected it however I am starting this blog kinda in its place however I will continue to update both of them, it will always have a place in my heart... so here it is my place to ramble, and vent and share.... hope you enjoy..