Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Why to smile...

As corny as it sounds
A smile is good
All year round
It goes with most anything,
And is easy to wear,
It can make you feel good
Even when no one is there

Give one to a friend
Or just someone on the bus
For it costs nothing
So whats the fuss?
Maybe it will brighten
someones dark skies,
Just what they need to keep from crying

And who knows
It could come back to you someday.
As a smile, hug, or a pay raise?
Someone asked me why I smile
I gave it some thought
And this is the poem I wrote.

The best answer I think however
By for is why not?
I like to spread happiness,
And believe someday
That my actions will change the world
In a beautiful way.

So many things
Can start
With a smile
So why not?

Been a while

Sorry its been so long, lots of work in my life right now.. A little preview of my upcoming blogs. I will be blogging about:

Review of Trackmania United ($23 on steam right now)and how it compares to Trackmania nations (free)

Review of Test Drive Unlimited (pc)

Review of Raidmax Smilodon case

My views on the media and society

My proposal on how to fix Illegal immigration.

And much much more... soon....