Mistress #4: Jamie Jungers bragged that she had naked pictures of Tiger Woods. The Jungers's family has known this for a long time.
Jamie Jungers's ex-fiance / Derrik Schmit was furious with , because she had been cheating on him, then the tabloids ambushed him. Jamie's mom and sister told Jamie Jungers's, over thanksgiving that they were going to go public with the story if she doesn't.
Video interview with Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins all confirms the opposite side saying that Jamie is lying.
Jamie swears a lot, and repeated says she has a PR agent and Lawyers.
"She thought it was going to be a one night stand."
It is alleged by Jamie's Aunt that Jamie took naked pictures of Tiger Woods with her cell phone when he had passed out drunk one night.
Jamie denies that she has naked photos of him.
To listen to the show Click Here the interview with her is at 20:33 and ends at around 27:00 in this clip.
There are also rumors are that nude photos of Tiger sent to Playgirl. (unsubstantiated by anyone)
One site that has also mentioned John and Ken's Interview is