Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dirt2 Autosave Corruption Fix (Exclusive File)

It seems like just yesterday I was telling you about a fix for Dirt2... Oh wait it was. Well, a day later I got the autosave corrupted error.

So I looked around and from a few fixed on the net I combined them into one uber fix that not only gave me my level back but also my money and cars.

I figured I would share the fix with you other unlucky gamers that may have run into the same problem.

As always back up your saves before you do this fix even though I have build a autobackup into the fix please do not rely on that as your only backup method. Your are using this fix at your own risk. If the file you downloaded doesn't have only this code below its been tampered with.

This fix is for VISTA and WIN7 Only !

Click here to download the fix then run the bat as administrator

Here is the code incase your curious whats in the bat

@echo off
Echo D4RK_4NG3L's Dirt2 Corruption fix. For Vista and Windows 7
Echo Check out for more cool Stuff
Echo Do not run this if you aren't experiencing
Echo The Autosave Corruption issue
Echo ---------------------------------------------------------
Echo When prompted Choose D for Directory
Echo As always listen to my disclaimer at
Echo ---------------------------------------------------------
xcopy "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2\savegame" "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2_Bak\savegame" /S /Y
xcopy "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2\savegame" "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2_Bak\savegame_Bak" /S
Del "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2_Bak\savegame\Autosave0\NXDSMWW"
Del "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2_Bak\savegame\Autosave1\NXDSMWW"
Del "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2\savegame"
Echo Your old save has been saved in:
Echo C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2_Bak\savegame_Bak
Echo Leave this window open
Echo Run the game create a new profile
Echo Enter the first race, then you can retire
Echo Or finish the race & exit correctly using the menus
Echo Then return here and press any key
Echo ---------------------------------------------------------
Echo When prompted Choose D for Directory
xcopy "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2_Bak\savegame" "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2\savegame" /S /Y
Del "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2_Bak\savegame"
Echo Congratulations your corruption should have been fixed, however
Echo If it isn't you have a copy of your original files at
Echo C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\DiRT2_Bak\savegame_bak
Echo So don't run this again unless you back that folder up manually
Echo Press any key to end
ECho ---------------------------------------------------------

Till Next Time

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dirt 2 Won't Start Fix

I am sure you have all been there you get this great game, download and install it, and the loading screen comes up... SWEET Dirt 2 in all its pixelicious glory finally on my machine! And theres your destop. Wait, Ahh it must just be playing with me, I will start it again, heres the awesome title Dirt2 and here comes the.. crash to desktop? This can't be its brand new!

So yes this is the experience even the most tech savvy of us get from time to time. My latest one as you can guess Dirt2. I actually could play the game, then one day it wouldn't start. Figuring it may be a process conflict, I found a solution that has allowed me to play it. Game Booster From the same people that I get my Smart Defrag. I ran that bad boy, made one edit to it services, and it ran like a charm. (The edit I made was when you click edit services, I changed "IPBusEnum=1" on my operating system section to "IPBusEnum=0" because it was hanging on resuming to normal mode.

So now before I play Dirt2, I run Game Booster and I can play it fine. Hopefully the boys over at Codemaster will figure out how to make their game more compatible but in the meantime I love this little program, it also helps with performace because it turns off services you don't need while gaming :)
Till Next Time... Ciao.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Red Faction Guerrilla GFWL Fix

Some people who bought Red Faction: Guerrilla on steam have run into a problem updating Games For Widows Live, and therefore could not play multiplayer.

If you are experiencing this problem, open up a run command, then:

If you have Vista/Win7 64 bit type this:
"C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\XLive\Updates\54510837\Content\rfg_updater.exe" /f "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\red faction guerrilla"

If you have Vista/Win7 32 bit type this:
"C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\XLive\Updates\54510837\Content\rfg_updater.exe" /f "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\red faction guerrilla"

Let me know how this works for you.
It fixed my problem.

Why you should use technology wisely

This Is a good example of why you should be responsible when you drive, don't text or do other things that take you attention away from driving. As always Viewer's Discretion is advised.