Saturday, February 9, 2008

Me and T-Mobile

The Last few years I have lived in many different states. Some of these states are New York (NYC to be precise), Alabama, Ohio, and Georgia to name a few. In my travels I have had only one Cellular company T-Mobile. They have worked with me and have always given me great service with out charging me an arm and a leg. I have unlimited Internet, and a 1000 minutes to share between phones, and I also had Nights and Weekends way before it was the standard. I could name more things that they give me and I know it sounds like I am selling T-Mobile, I am not. I just believe that when I find something that works well. I should, tell others so that they might enjoy or reap the benefits of it also. T-Mobile has worked well for me.

The reason I mention this at all is because soon I will hosting a blogtalkradio show where I explain some different options in phones, pluses and minuses, and also the technology behind them. I may even have some juicy news that you might not have already heard.

If you have any topics that you would like me to talk about feel free to email me at

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